breathe in deeply…

exhale completely…

Congratulations! You just entered a new stage in your healing journey… allowing yourself to step out of the everyday stress and make time for the most important person in your life, you.



The lining of the womb band features a print with a combination of sacred symbols & Hebrew Letters. When you use the womb band for the first time, you could create a little ceremony to create a conscious connection with it:

  1. Light a candle, say a prayer, and then connect with the womb band as a channel for healing energy: Consciously ask Source, God, or however you call this aspect of the Divine within for healing.

2. If you want to further activate the healing print, you can use the Divine Name, Yud Lamed Yud as pictured below. Learn more about the 72 Names of God, here.

This is meant as an inspiration, any prayer or mantra that works for you will work, all that is needed is your conscious intent.

Scan the letters from right to left

3. Hold the womb-band in your hands, and allow the energy to come through: feel its softness, contemplate its lining, and the purity of its silver fabric. Try to feel the healing energy. If you don’t feel it, it’s fine, it will still work, we all sense energy differently.

4. Stay with its energy consciously for a few minutes, and feel deep gratitude for everything in your life. After activating it in this way, you can always just say a quick prayer before each use going forward.

Choose & activate your gemstones

We recommend working with rose quartz, clear quartz, or malachite, but any tumbled semi-precious stones will work.

Cleanse your crystals under clear running water, place your crystals on your heart chakra, and connect with their energy in this way for a few minutes. State an intention, for the session, like for example, more clarity, increased intuition, or deep healing.

Your first session

Decide how to use the womb-band, with or without gemstones, lay down, relax, listen to your favorite meditative music, or nature sounds, and use it for 25-30 minutes.


  • Always keep in mind that wearing the womb band is as if you have an in-person healing session:

  • Hydrate well after each session, ground in nature, and always connect to gratitude.

  • Use your intuition to guide you as to how long you want to “work” with it.

    It can have powerful effects, and it is not recommended to wear it constantly. At one point you may feel that the healing is done, and you may not use it for a while. That’s ok. Store it somewhere safe, with the crystals and the black tourmaline, for example in a drawer or on your altar.


Healing Meditations

Our tried and true basic meditation technique for any spiritual work: The Unified Chakra

Please hydrate well before and after the meditation!

Learn more about the Unified Chakra Here

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