So Purkh The Miracle Mantra For Relationships

The So Purkh is one of the most powerful tools, to help us realign with source, balancing our inner divine masculine, and feminine. In doing so we see this balance reflected in our relationships.

The So Purkh is an evening hymn, that is part of the main spiritual scripture of the Sikhs: This book is considered a living text, a consciousness in and of itself, and referred to as the 11th guru, the Guru Granth Sahib. And, on a side note, it’s fascinating how this parallels the Torah Consciousness in Kabbalah.

The sacredness inherent in these ancient languages may explain their immense healing power:

Written by the 4th guru of the Sikhs, Guru Ram Das, So Purkh can be recited by women- or anyone who identifies more with the female energy, or form for that matter- for up to three men in their lives, and it is said to make the men it is chanted for holy, to balance out negative karma and to create a space of divine grace.

As with all mantras, a 40-day practice 11 times a day is recommended, to help us shift our neurological infrastructure to a higher frequency, and to potentially create a miracle, attract or reconnect with a soulmate, or be able to let go more easily.

It took me about 4 weeks until I knew it by heart, and when you do know it, you can take it anywhere: it’s ok, to chant it in the shower, on a walk, washing the dishes, etc.

Personally, whenever I chant this mantra, it helps me purify the mind, and takes away any potential pain, it gives me serenity. And beyond, it feels good to pray for the person you love within the framework of a consistent practice, and just brings you into this bubble of love, and the more you chant it, the longer the high vibe effects last throughout your day.

The So Purkh is probably one of the most powerful tools, to help us realign with source, and to balance the divine masculine, and feminine within ourselves. In doing so we see this balance reflected in our relationships.

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